About Us

Our Mission

Behala Shantinilay Welfare Society, a reputed NGO, has been engaged taking care of elderly people for over a decade now. Our mission is to create a space that our elderly residents could call home, where they could live a hassle free life under the care and supervision of our expert staff and management. Our commitment extends beyond merely providing a shelter to our residents. Our residents have at their disposal a well-stocked library, yoga classes, communication and entertainment facilities along with medical amenities and wholesome, nutritious food. Our aim is to ensure their days at Shantinilay are comfortable, engaged and fulfilling.

Aims & Objects

  1. To run, maintain, manage and Carry on the above Society for the welfare of the people
  2. To improve the economic moral and social standard of people and also unemployed men and women in the operation of the institution
  3. To establish and maintain primary school in order to remove the illiteracy and to spread the primary education without any profit making motive
  4. To develop living, moral, and cultural standard of the men and women of the people and to arrange organize seminar special camp related to prevention of child labour, prevention of Air pollution
  5. To do the social work for the benefit of needy people in general and to the women in particulars
  6. To organize, Maintain, Relief camp, Blood donation camp, and also any other Similar nature of medical treatment camp for the benefit of public
  7. To organize celebration of National cultural, social and other festivals
  8. To establish book-bank, charitable dispensaries etc
  9. To promote fellow-feeling and cordial relation omong the members and the management of the society
  10. To arrange workshop, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, educational tours etc
  11. To help the distressed, physically and mentally handicapped people, the old and the diseased men in every possible medical aid
  12. To establish old age Home-serving the old and the diseased people without any profit making motive
  13. To organize, promote or undertake such other activities or functions as are considered beneficial or conducive towards the attainment of the object of the society

Specific Objectives

  1. To establish a well constructed, well managed, community participated and safe Old Aged home at a suitable place.
  2. To ensure adequate nourishment and clothes for the targeted the poor helpless and destitute an Old Aged person.
  3. To ensure access to instant and quality health care for the poor helpless and destitute an Old Aged persons so that they can get awareness on health and hygienic issues.
  4. To create an effective an Old Aged friendly learning environment for the poor helpless and destitute an Old Aged persons within the Old Aged Home, so that they can live peacefully as their own Home.
  5. To provide an Old Aged persons access to fellowship activities, recreational facilities, mental support, social affairs and spiritual formation.
  6. To promote resource generating activities for financial sustainability of the old aged home beyond donor funding.